Since 2016 I work on making web more accessible.The web once was an idea to make contents and knowledge
accessible to all - decades later, this still does not apply.
Besides filter bubbles, paid contents and hidden contents, in germany alone, 80% of the e-commerce
platforms are not accessible.
Elder people, people with disabilities such as motoric or visually, people with concentration issues,
colorblind, deaf or people with dyslexia -
the internet should be usable for all and I, together with a great community of other accessibility
developers and concepters, aim to make the web more accessible to all.
Especially in e-commerce, it's so important to give people the choice what they want to buy not what
they can buy; to make sure they don't make any false spendings or abonnements they never planned to.
Besides accessible frontend development and technical considerations, I develop concepts for working in
teams aiming accessibility, create workflows, critically check AI tools and concept tests, checks, shops
and pages.